Whether massages are an unnecessary luxury? On the contrary.
A massage contributes to your physical and mental health.
And that fits seamlessly with Aroga. In other words, managing your health in a purposeful and balanced manner. Something I strive for myself and which I’m very motivated to assist you with. My massage practice is located in Wommelgem, near Antwerp.
How? Without
floaty stuff.
But with massages that maximize your muscle relaxation. As such, we work together on flexibility, strength and solidity. Furthermore I can assist you in development towards a sports performance, speed up your recovery after strenuous exercise or support you during rehabilitation. Or simply help you to de-stress.
Anti-stress massage
During this full body massage, your muscles are loosened. That leads to a better blood and lymphatic flow, waste products are removed. The soothing feeling follows naturally. Ideal to counter your stress and to return home fully relaxed.
Massage for work-
related complaints
Back pain and neck pain are typical symptoms of improper work posture. This massage focuses on the adequate pressure points to relieve that pain. Muscle knots are eliminated, waste products are drained, and an improved blood circulation occurs. Hardened muscles regain their suppleness.
Sports and deep tissue massage
A deep tissue massage reaches the deepest layers of your muscles and connective tissue. The affected muscle layers and damaged tissues (literally) are taken firmly in hand. Thus, your joints feel more supple and the knots are taken out of your muscles.
Rehabilitation support
A lengthy rehabilitation process sometimes leads to frustration. But with a targeted massage, the process can become more bearable and faster.
Pressure point and stretch massage
This massage is based on the ancient Japanese Shiatsu massage and Thai Sib Sen massage. It uses acupressure and stretch to stimulate your energy. Which is ideal for activating joints and muscles, but also helps against fatigue, stress or a mental dip. Which is ideal for activating joints and muscles, but also helps against fatigue, stress or a mental dip.
Hot stone treatment
Heated basalt stones are placed on the body and also used for a gentle massage. Thanks to the heat and weight of the stones, your blood circulation is stimulated and your muscles relax.
Massage at work
As a company, would you like to offer your employees a nice extra, resulting in a reduction in absence days caused by body ailments and stress? By visiting your location(s) on a regular basis with an ergonomic massage chair or a massage table, muscles are stimulated, minds are relaxed and employee satisfaction gets a big boost.
Massage for medics
Nearly half of medics suffer from severe back pain at least once a year. An increasing flow of patients and administration causes additional stress, increasing back pain complaints even more. A professional massage helps to counter that issue. This can take place in your practice, at your home or at Aroga's practice. In complete discretion, tailored to your needs...and tax deductible.
Aroga massage gift certificate
Want to surprise someone with an Aroga massage gift voucher?
You can buy gift cards in my practice, or you can order your digital gift card here. The gift certificates are valid for one year after issuance.
You can also come to me
as a yoga instructor.
Is it your first time doing yoga? No problem. I gently introduce you to the yoga form that suits you. Already more experienced, or advanced? Excellent. I help you refine your technique and sharpen your asanas.